Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Reflections of a Blogger

So, back when I first started this endeavor back in January, I wrote that my blog's mission would be:

...about ideas and observations for technical communicators. Technical communications encompasses so many areas, and I expect this blog will too. The goal is learning. I learn through thinking about things, trying things out and talking with other people. I hope this blog will reflect that environment and that we can learn from each other.

Well, I feel that I've learned a bit - about blogging and the subjects I have written about. Whether anyone else learned anything from my blog remains to be seen. I just added a visit counter to my blog yesterday, so maybe I'll at least see if anyone is coming to the site....I also think I have to adjust the code, as it doesn't seem to only be tracking unique visitors...just my visits, and it keeps counting them every time...

But, blogging is not necessarily an exchange of ideas where we can "learn from each other" -- unless you've found a way to gain popularity and larger readership. That's something I haven't yet mastered -- getting my blog to be "found" through keywords, listings and the like.

But, for now, I like writing about my opinions on subject matters I appreciate. I've contributed to message boards online before, but never had my own blog. I like the writing style that accompanies a blog - a little more casual than other writing projects. On my blog, I write like I speak to some degree, and I like that.

So, I'll continue on and blog away and see what becomes of it. I'm sure over time, I'll learn a bit more about blogging and getting the word out. For now, my "corner" isn't such a bad place to be.

1 comment:

Poets Online said...

thinking must be encouraged...